Friday, December 28, 2007

Oops - I missed a couple.

I just wanted to add to my comments on the movies of 2007 by naming a few others which deserve mention but were neglected.

Christian Bale was excellent in two movies this year; 3:10 To Yuma and Rescue Dawn.

Will You Sign My Great Cast?
The films Zodiac and The Kingdom were quality movies that had great casts.

I think that's it. I hope so, because I am running out of dumb headings.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

2007 Movies How Do They Measure Up?

For a year where many blockbusters were crap (Spiderman 3, Rush Hour 3 etc.) it was actually a pretty great year for movies.

A Return To Form
The standout this year has to be No Country for Old Men which is the best Coen Bros. movie in a very long time, and ranks among their best. Likewise, Wes Anderson was in top form in making The Darjeeling Ltd. The Grindhouse movies by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez were a lesser example of this trend, but very enjoyable nonetheless. I've not always been a big fan of David Cronenberg, but Eastern Promises (and the recent A History of Violence) have made me one.

Great Second Films
Hot Fuzz was a great followup to (but not quite as good as) Shawn of the Dead, and Juno has established Jason Reitman as someone to watch after Thank You For Smoking.

War Movies Are Great...

... as long as they aren't about Iraq. I should disclose that I didn't see any of the Iraq war movies this year, but then again neither did anyone else. Now if you are talking about the battle of Thermopylae, bring it on. 300 was a visual feast, and I'm not even gay. The Cold War (and echoes of the cold war) brought us the great film The Lives of Others, and of course The Bourne Ultimatum.

Shoot Em Up!

If you're looking for a good shoot-em-up movie - I strongly recommend Shoot Em Up! with Cliv
e Owen. Violence and action that is so over-the-top you can't help but be entertained.

Now That's Funny!
This year of comedies was bad... Superbad... which is to say some were great (and many forgettable). Knocked Up and Superbad were great, and I can't wait to see Walk Hard. Strangely I can't really remember any good comedies this year that weren't from Judd Apatow. The Simpsons Movie was good, which given the expectations that it inevitably had to face
, is a huge accomplishment.

Pot-Pourri (sp?)
Here are a couple of notable movies that don't seem to fit in other categories. Perfume by Tommy Tykwer (sp?) was really well done and was a visual treat. The Matador, while very different from Perfume, was also pretty entertaining (who knew Pierce Brosnan could be so weird). The Lookout with Joseph Gordon Levitt was also pretty good. Lars and the Real Girl was also a standout that doesn't really fit into the other categories.

I've Heard of Blue Movies, But Green Movies?

An Inconvenient Truth was pretty compelling, but in my mind, a Nobel Peace Prize for Al Gore seems a bit much. Who Killed The Electric Car? was also pretty good.

Movies I Missed
Obviously I didn't see everything, but there are a few movies I wanted to see but haven't yet; There Will Be Blood, Michael Clayton, Sweene
y Todd, Gone Baby Gone, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Charlie Wilson's War, The Savages and American Gangster.


Overall a pretty great year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hey Bud - Visualize This!

A shift is taking place on the web these days. There is of course the advent of Web2.0 with it's more interactive and engaging content. The shift that seems to be accompanying it is 'visualization'.

Historically, content has been displayed in a very linear way. Part of that was due to limitations in technology, but it was also just the way things were done. Now, the bar is being raised and content is being presented in a way that allows context to be communicated in the way the information is laid out.

I have seen a couple of instances where people have gone overboard, but I am beginning to see some pretty inventive (and useful) ways this has been utilized. Here are some examples.

Tag Clouds
You will see these around in a number of places, and you should start seeing more of them. These are tag clouds. The size of each link varies depending on it's relevance or frequency in a given list (i.e. tags related to blogs or other posted content). This, I think, recognizes the way the eye, which is to say the brain via the eye, interprets what it is looking at in a way that is more appropriate than lists that differentiate priority based on text (i.e. numbers or dates) associated with the given content.

(I took this from Silva's blog, thanks Silva)

This is an application that allows you to visualize your Facebook friend list, the connections between friends, and most usefully, the photo connections between friends (i.e. which friends are in photos with whom). It ends up creating a pretty accurate representation of your (non-linear) circle of friends.

I am intrigued by this one, but I am not 100% convinced of it's utility. It is a visual representation of the stories that are popular on Digg, the degree of popularity, the users they are popular with, and the connections between all of these things. (see the graphic at the top of this article)

For this and other pretty cool visualizations see

C|Net News - Related Stories
As you will see in the graphic below (or if you follow the link) the related news stories are presented in a non-linear visual way that gives weight and relevance to each story by modifying the relative sizes and colours.

You will notice in the graphic above that the user is given the opportunity to view the articles in a more traditional list, which I think is good for the time being while these types of interfaces are unfamiliar.

There are many other examples, that I may draw attention to in a later post, but I think you are going to begin to see more of this kind of representation of information, and that's a good thing.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Would you like to swing on a star?

If you are looking for something to add to your Christmas list, allow me to recommend the following.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


CNN has a lot of resources right? Maybe they should invest in a spell-checker for their homepage...

(and Evel Kneivel a hero? really?)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Am I 2.0 Losing My Mind 2.0?

I don't know about you but I love what Web 2.0 is, but I hate the moniker that it was given. (Don't people normally try to stay away from .0 versions?)

What I hate more is how "2.0" is now being added to everything under the Sun 2.0.

To illustrate how ridiculous this is I decided to search for the most absurd use of 2.0. I started with Pizza 2.0 and figured I would work back from there when I found nothing. How wrong 2.0 was I? There are countless (definitely more than 2.0) relevant results in Google.

I don't know why but this really bugs me. Grrr! To me it reflects a laziness on the part of the people coming up with the ideas.

If you see more ridiculous uses of 2.0, please share. I'm sure that Pizza 2.0 pales in comparison to others (perhaps Itch Powder 2.0 or Feelings 2.0?)

(Note: No offence to RB and the RB 2.0 company vision)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My First Channel/Show

I'm not sure the interface is that intuitive. There are two "shows". Mouse over to see the shows tab to go between the two.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Skymall Pictures - No Context

I enjoyed these pictures while reviewing the skymall magazine last time I was on a plane. I find they are more fun without any context. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Top 10 List - Stand Up Comedians!

Here are my 10 favourite comics at the moment in no particular order (well it is a particular order, but it isn't meant to show best to worst)

  1. Steve Martin (circa 1978)
  2. Robin Williams (circa 1986)
  3. Denis Leary
  4. George Carlin (circa 1972)
  5. Bill Cosby (circa 1982)
  6. David Cross
  7. Eddie Izzard
  8. Billy Connolly
  9. Mitch Hedberg (he OD'd in 2005 - that sucks!)
  10. Jeff Foxworthy (post-"You might be a redneck")
  11. Demetri Martin (good on the Daily Show - great at stand-up)

Keep on laughing!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Help - There are too many choices!!!

Listening to music used to be easy. You popped a cassette into the deck, or the LP on the turntable and that's what you listened to. Simple.

Now, I sit down at my computer and I have to decide whether to listen to, any of the thousands of songs in my iTunes library or where I can listen to just about anything I want (and more that I didn't know I wanted). Now I find Songza (thanks for the Twitter post Ted). This is a great way to find and listen to music from any artist.

What am I to do? Where's my Sony Walkman and a simpler world?

Writer or Wronger?

The studios don't want to share a percentage of their internet revenue with the writers. The reason given is that they aren't making any money off the internet. What's wrong with this picture? (think percentage and not making any money)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Things you don’t expect to hear from an airport security agent…

An elderly couple was in front of me going through security today at SFO. Making conversation the security again said to them “So, you on your way to terrorize your relatives?” in reference to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Not what you expect to hear.

CNN Sucks!

CNN just did a report on the morning news profiling a guy who tricked out his car and drove from NY-LA in record time. He had radar detectors and an spotter in a Cesna to avoid the police, at times driving as fast as 160 mph. Yes that's right not km/h but mph. Even at today's exchange rate that's damn fast. And damn dangerous.

Instead of reporting how this guy should be locked up for putting innocent people's lives at risk in the name of vanity and pride. They treated him as is he accomplished some great achievement. They mentioned "don't try this at home" occasionally in between tips about how to dodge the fuzz.

I'd love for them to have families of victims of dangerous driving on to discuss how great this guys accomplishment is.

I'd say that they should know better but recent observation clearly indicate that this is not so.

As an aside, moments before this John (JD) Roberts said "I wonder if pugs blend" in response to a report on two popular YouTube videos. I'll let you figure out which two videos he was talking about. :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

People I Admire (Part 1)

Alex Chapman and His Family for going to Mexico to help build houses for people in need.

See for blog postings direct from Mexico.

Thanks guys, for making the world a better place!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

We Cut The Cheese! Seriously?

Now, I like fart jokes as much as the next guy (and more than the next gal) but I don't think they make me want to buy cheese. In fact, it kind of makes me not want to.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Classic Poetry of Old-Skool Rap - My Hoopty by Sir Mix-a-Lot

My hooptie rollin', tailpipe draggin'
Heat don't work an' my girl keeps naggin'
Six-nine Buick, deuce keeps rollin'
One hubcap 'cause three got stolen
Bumper shook loose, chrome keeps scrapin'
Mis-matched tires, and my white walls flakin'
Hit mickey-d's, Maharaji starts to bug
He ate a quarter-pounder, threw the pickles on my rug
Runnin', movin' tabs expired
Girlies tryin' to dis 'n say my car looks tired
Hit my brakes, out slid skittles
Tinted back window with a bubble in the middle
Who's car is it? Posse won't say
We all play it off when you look our way
Rollin' four deep, tires smoke up the block
Gotta roll this bucket, 'cause my Benz is in the shop

My hooptie - my hooptie

Four door nightmare, trunk locks' stuck
Big dice on the mirror, grill like a truck
Lifters tickin', accelerator's stickin'
Somethin' on my left front wheel keeps clickin'
Picked up the girlies, now we're eight deep

Cars barely movin', but now we got heat
Made a left turn as I watched in fright
My ex-girlfriend shot out my headlight
She was standin', in the road, so I smashed her toes
Mashed my pedal, boom, down she goes
Law ain't lyin', long hairs flyin'
We flipped the skeez off, dumb girl starts cryin'
Baby called the cops, now I'm gettin' nervous
The cops see a beeper and the suckers might serve us
Hit a side street and what did we find?
Some young punk, droppin' me a flip off sign
Put the deuce in reverse, and started to curse
Another sucker on the south side about to get hurt
Homey got scared, so I got on
Yeah my group got paid, but my groups still strong
Posse moved north, headin for the CD
Ridin' real fast so the cops don't see me
Mis-matched tires got my boys uptight
Two Vogues on the left, Uniroyal on the right
Hooptie bouncin', runnin' on leaded
This is what I sport when you call me big-headed
I pot-hole crusher, red light rusher
Musher of a brother 'cause I'm plowin' over suckers

In a hooptie

It's a three-ton monster, econo-box stomper
Snatch your girly, if you don't I'll romp 'er
Dinosaur rush, lookin' like Shaft
Some get bold, but some get smashed
Cops say the car smokes, but I won't listen
It's a six-nine deuce, so the hell with emissions
Rollin' in Tacoma, I could get burned
(Sound of automatic gunfire) Betta make a u-turn
Spotted this freak with immense posterior
Tryin' to roll smooth through the Hilltop area
Brother start lettin' off, kickin' that racket
Thinkin' I'm a rock star, slingin' them packets
I ain't wit' dat, so I smooth eject
Hit I-5 with the dope cassette
Playin' that tough crew hardcore dope
The tape deck broke
Damn what's next, brothers in Goretex
Tryin' to find a spot where we could hunt for sex
Found a little club called the N-C-O
Military, competition. You know.
I ain't really fazed, 'cause I pop much game
Rolled up tough, 'cause I got much fame
"How ya doin' baby, my name is Mixalot"
"Mixalot got a Benz boy, quit smokin' that rock"
Ooooh, I got dissed. But it ain't no thing
Runnin' that game with the home made slang
Baby got ished, Bremelo gip.
Keep laughin' at the car and you might get clipped

By a hooptie

Runnin' outta gas, stuck in traffic
Far left lane, throwin' up much static
Input, output, carbeurator fulla soot
"Whatcha want me to do Mix?"
Push freak, push
Sputter, sputter rollin' over gutters
Cars dip low with hard core brothers
Tank on E, pulled into Arco
Cops on tip for Columbian cargo
We fit a stereotype, that's what he said
Big long car, four big black heads
Cops keep jockin', grabbin' like 'gators
'Bout stereotypes, I'm lookin' nuthin' like Noriega
Cop took my wallet, looked at my license
His partner said "Damn, they all look like Tyson"
Yes, I'm legit, so they gotta let me go
This bucket ain't rollin' in snow

It's my hooptie

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Comparing Apples and Oranges

It bugs me when people say that comparing two dissimilar things is like comparing apples and oranges. They are not very dissimilar at all. Let me count the ways.
  • both are fruits
  • both are basically round
  • both grow on trees
  • orange and red are actually pretty close on the visual spectrum
  • both have seeds
  • both grow in orchards
  • juice from both is commonly available, and usually in the same places
  • they weigh about the same
  • ... need I go on?

Me? I prefer comparing apples and dumptrucks, or parking meters and black holes.

Ethanol the Answer - Really?

You hear alot of talk about ethanol as one of, if not THE main answer to the world's problem of dependence on oil and fossil fuels for energy. I recently read a report in the news about an organization that has been formed to protest against ethanol. Their concern is that it's irresponsible for arable land to be used to feed cars and SUVs instead of people. I have to admit that it seems like they have a point. Ethanol can't be the answer.

That made me think about other energy alternatives...

Wind - Great idea where it is practical. What I don't understand is the protests against wind power based on windmills messing up rich people's views. The most telling example of this is in Martha's Vineyard. A wind farm is proposed for about 12 miles out to sea. Those who own the expensive houses on the shore think that it spoils the vista. Sorry, can't generate much sympathy.

Check out for for an article about a car that runs entirely on solar and wind power. Speaking of solar...

Solar - Also a great idea where practical. I love the idea of these desert solar plants which utilize a huge array of mirrors to focus the energy for the highest efficiency. See for an example. There saw one featured also in the movie "Sahara" (which got terrible reviews even though it was pretty good - the movie not the power plant). Household solar could be useful, but could never replace current electrical supply in most places because of that annoying thing called cloud.

Hydro - I'm sensing a theme here. Great where practical. Great in places like Niagara Falls. Terrible in places like the Three Gorges Dam in China where they destroy 'huge tracts of land'.

Waste - Helps to solve two problems, waste disposal and energy generation. As long as they can keep the emissions clean, they should be doing this everywhere. (in my humble opinion)

Now for my two favourites - tidal and geothermal.

Tidal & Wave - I know the technology is not quite there yet, but to me this seems like the perfect clean and renewable energy source (provided that the US and China don't get into a space war and destroy the moon). The principle here is that objects are placed in the waves/surf to translate the force of the waves and tides (which is huge) into energy. There are no emissions, it doesn't destroy the environment and some technologies can even be underwater, saving the fragile sensibilities of those in the Hamptons or Martha's Vineyard.

(Note: I have treated two energy sources as if they are one and as if they would use the same technology which is a vast oversimplification, but the conclusions are the same.)

GeoThermal - Here is another perfectly clean power source, and 100% renewable. The heat within the earth is not going anyway (then again we may need to check with Al Gore in case he knows something we don't). Unfortunately, not every area has access to easily accessible geo-thermal energy. Seems to me though that technology someday may allow drilling in some areas to access deeper heat sources. Iceland has led the way in this field, and every other area with proximity to the earth's heat should follow their lead.

If the developing world were to embrace more of these technologies (and perhaps pay less attention to Ethanol) then perhaps the developing world would not continue to develop the same old dirty power sources.

I admin that these favoured sources of power don't directly constitute an apples-to-apples comparison with Ethanol since that is more of a gasoline alternative rather than a power generation alternative - or is it. If it were cheaper and cleaner to generate electricity then the practicality of electric cars goes way up.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Why a Blog?

That's a good question. I've always felt that you need to have something profound to say for a blog to be worthwhile. That may be a factor in relation to whether people are going to read your blog or not, but there is another side to it. A blog can exist for it's own sake, or more specifically for the sake of the author. The act of writing down thoughts can have a theraputic effect, and can lead to thoughts (even profound one's however unlikely) that might not have been unveiled without the forum as a catalyst.

So, when reading this you may wonder "why bother". If that bothers you, then perhaps you can rant about it in your own blog (or take it out on those around you).

While I am writing this I am realizing that I am trying to justify something that doesn't need to be justified. Hey, there you go. A dose of self-realization. The theraputic effects are kicking in already. (oooommmm)