Friday, November 16, 2007

CNN Sucks!

CNN just did a report on the morning news profiling a guy who tricked out his car and drove from NY-LA in record time. He had radar detectors and an spotter in a Cesna to avoid the police, at times driving as fast as 160 mph. Yes that's right not km/h but mph. Even at today's exchange rate that's damn fast. And damn dangerous.

Instead of reporting how this guy should be locked up for putting innocent people's lives at risk in the name of vanity and pride. They treated him as is he accomplished some great achievement. They mentioned "don't try this at home" occasionally in between tips about how to dodge the fuzz.

I'd love for them to have families of victims of dangerous driving on to discuss how great this guys accomplishment is.

I'd say that they should know better but recent observation clearly indicate that this is not so.

As an aside, moments before this John (JD) Roberts said "I wonder if pugs blend" in response to a report on two popular YouTube videos. I'll let you figure out which two videos he was talking about. :)

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