Friday, November 2, 2007

Why a Blog?

That's a good question. I've always felt that you need to have something profound to say for a blog to be worthwhile. That may be a factor in relation to whether people are going to read your blog or not, but there is another side to it. A blog can exist for it's own sake, or more specifically for the sake of the author. The act of writing down thoughts can have a theraputic effect, and can lead to thoughts (even profound one's however unlikely) that might not have been unveiled without the forum as a catalyst.

So, when reading this you may wonder "why bother". If that bothers you, then perhaps you can rant about it in your own blog (or take it out on those around you).

While I am writing this I am realizing that I am trying to justify something that doesn't need to be justified. Hey, there you go. A dose of self-realization. The theraputic effects are kicking in already. (oooommmm)

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